In Remembrance of Our Veterans

In Remembrance and as an act of gratitude for Veterans, we honour those who have served, and in respect for this day. Wear your poppy with pride. If you haven’t gotten one already, you can get a poppy just about anywhere, at any business. The poppy is a symbol of respect for the greatest of sacrifices by those who fought, and still fight for the freedom we take for granted.

Truly enjoy what you have. Remembrance Day is a good day to be very conscious about the fortunes and people in your life. Try to recall a time in your life when you didn’t have all the luxuries and freedoms you have today. What about the arts and sciences that bring us all closer together and give us a better understanding of one another? And your family’s ability to get the kind of education and job they want, freely? Our livelihoods, cultures and liberties are results of the efforts of those who were willing to sacrifice for the rest of us. They leave their families behind so we can come back to ours every day. So this Remembrance Day, remember these sacrifices and that to honour them, you should truly enjoy all that you have as a result.

Spend the day with good company and find some time on November 11 to gather in support with others who share your observations about Remembrance Day, like family, friends, colleagues or a communion. It’s common tradition to observe a moment of silence at 11AM on the day, so you can suggest this to whomever you’re spending time with.

In Sherwood Park, along with many residents, it is tradition for my family and I to attend The Remembrance Day ceremony at Millennium Place, located at 2000 Premier Way. It commences at 10:30 a.m.

Regardless of what you plan to do this Remembrance Day, I hope it’s a day of reflection for you and those you care about.

Warm regards,
